Monrif Hotels takes care of the environment! - Monrif Hotels sont présents à Bologne
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Monrif Hotels takes care of the environment!

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Monrif Hotels initiatives for World Ozone Day

On the occasion of World Ozone Day, celebrated every year on September 16th, Monrif Hotels confirms its commitment to environmental sustainability with concrete initiatives to reduce the impact on the planet and promote a lifestyle more respectful of the world around us.

LED lighting: a step towards a more sustainable future

We have replaced the majority of our incandescent light bulbs with energy-efficient and long-lasting LED models. This choice allows us to significantly reduce power consumption and CO2 emissions, helping to combat climate change.

Zero km cuisine: a pleasure for the palate and the environment

On the occasion of September 16th, our hotels are committed to reducing their environmental impact by promoting a short and sustainable supply chain. The Royal Hotel Carlton and the Hotel Internazionale will include in their menu a special zero km proposal with seasonal products, while the Hotel Brun will offer a sustainable breakfast with local products. A unique opportunity to enjoy delicious, sustainable dishes and contribute to the protection of our planet.

Why have we chosen to support World Ozone Day?

The protection of stratospheric ozone is crucial for life on Earth, as it protects us from harmful ultraviolet rays. By choosing to reduce our environmental impact we are helping to preserve our planet for future generations.

Our commitment continues

Sustainability is a core value for Monrif Hotels. We will continue to work to continuously improve our environmental practices, implementing new initiatives and involving our guests in this journey.

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